Loving Lavender is the inspiration of Sarah Kabrovich, a dynamic and compassionate 17 year old. From a young age, Sarah was surrounded by cancer, through her maternal grandmother, mother, aunts, uncle, cousins and friends she experienced various forms of cancer and saw first hand the impact it had on patients and families. She watched and experienced the effects of the price of survival first hand and wanted to make a difference. She wanted to put a smile on the faces of patients and their families, if even for a moment, by letting them know they are loved and matter to others.
This was the catalyst that inspired her to create an business dedicated to trying to make a difficult situation a little better by letting people know they are not alone. Like a warm embrace, Loving Lavender seeks to offer moral support through donations, letters and available online resources dedicated to cancer patients and their families. This is possible through the generous donations, both in-kind and monitary, of our supporters and through the many volunteers that make our business a reality.